Monday, July 27, 2009

Project Management Quick Tips - Lesson 3



Jadi Insinyur beneran !



Suasana hening. Masing-masing siswa sibuk dengan ujiannya. Pak Guru kini mulai mengitari kelas setelah hampir 1,5 jam duduk di singgasananya. Sampailah beliau di sebelah saya, mengambil kertas ujian saya, dan memperhatikannya dengan seksama. Lalu berujar, "Wah, kamu bakal jadi insinyur nih man!".
Tidak tahu mengapa beliau mengucapkan seperti itu, baru saya tahu 2 minggu kemudian setelah hasil ujian itu diketahui ternyata saya mendapat nilai 95. Nilai yang hampir sempurna untuk mata pelajaran Matematika saat saya duduk di kelas 4 SD 04 Ptg.
Saya punya sahabat dekat yang cukup pintar saat SD. Teringat ketika membicarakan tentang cita-cita, saya masih ragu dengan cita-cita saya, yang paling mantap adalah jadi ABRI karena gagahnya terlihat di layar TV. Tetapi sahabat saya itu punya cita-cita jadi Insinyur, ternyata dia juga terinspirasi dari sinetron Si Doel yang jadi Insinyur. Sayangnya ketika saya tanyakan jadi Insinyur itu kerjanya apa, dia juga ragu jawabnya. Akhirnya saya tidak berminat jadi Insinyur.


Seisi kelas begitu ramai, sampai menjadi hening ketika sang guru masuk ke kelas. Sebelum kelas dimulai akan diumumkan terlebih dahulu 3 nilai tertinggi hasil ujian bayangan mata pelajaran Fisika di Bimbel Santo Lukas yang saya ikuti itu. Disebutlah nama pertama, dan semua orang bersorak karena mengenal nama itu. Disebutlah nama kedua, seisi kelas pun kembali ramai. Disebutlah nama ketiga, tetapi seisi kelas hanya menengok ke kanan dan ke kiri, sampai saya yang duduk paling belakang mengangkat tangan dan semua mata tertuju pada saya. Teman saya dari SMP 227 hanya tersenyum, ternyata siswa dari SMP 239 ini boleh juga ya.


Satu persatu siswa keluar lebih dahulu dari kelas, menyelesaikan tes IQ yang diadakan untuk seluruh siswa kelas 2 SMA 38. Keren juga saya pikir, soal-soal sesulit ini dapat diselesaikan kurang dari waktu yang ditentukan. Sayapun belum menyelesaikannya pada waktu yang ditentukan, sampai harus asal-asalan mengisi jawaban dengan waktu yang singkat. Tidak lama kemudian hasil tesnya keluar. Ternyata saya termasuk salah satu siswa yang mendapat nilai IQ yang tinggi, katanya. Tapi yang saya perhatikan adalah saran dari hasil tes itu. Bahwa saya disarankan untuk bergelut dibidang Industri atau Konstruksi Bangunan. Wah, binatang apapula itu, karena tidak mengerti akhirnya saya acuhkan.


Sudah tiga kali hasil try out di Bimbel Quantum tempat saya belajar tidak memuaskan. Bimbel itu tidak hanya memberi bimbingan belajar, tapi juga membimbing siswanya untuk mengetahui seluk beluk ujian, cara dan strategi masuk perguruan tinggi, dan lainnya. Ketika hasil try out yang terakhir, ternyata hasil nilai saya tidak sampai juga untuk memenuhi passing grade tempat kuliah yang saya inginkan, MIPA FISIKA UI. Bahkan saya disarankan untuk mengambil Fisika UNPAD untuk pilihan pertama, dan FISIKA UNDIP untuk pilihan kedua. Akhirnya saya berkonsultasi, sarannya adalah agar saya memilih pilihan pertama sebagai pilihan impian, pilihan kedua sebagai pilihan aman (yang penting masuk PT Negeri). Maka saat pendaftaran SPMB saya memberanikan diri untuk mengambil MIPA FISIKA UI sebagai pilihan aman, berhubung setiap hasil try out saya terus mengalami peningkatan, sehingga saya yakin nilai saya saat SPMB nanti juga akan mengalami kenaikan sehingga akan masuk grade MIPA FISIKA UI. Saya berminat masuk Fisika UI karena saya ingin menciptakan bom nuklir yang akan menyaingi Amerika, maklum saat itu semangat untuk jadi teroris lagi tinggi-tingginya :).
Lalu pilihan pertama sebagai pilihan impian adalah Teknik Sipil UI. Awalnya saya akan mengambil Teknik Elektro UI karena sangat berminat dibidang itu. Banyak pengalaman saya waktu kecil yang membuat saya tertarik di bidang Elektro, terutama ketika Bapak saya yang guru Fisika itu membawa peralatan praktikumnya ke rumah. Tetapi saya tahu diri saja, passing gradenya terlalu tinggi untuk dicapai, jadi saya coba cari jurusan lain di Teknik yang mungkin masih bisa saya capai, atau yang peminatnya sedikit. Ternyata saya jatuh hati di Teknik Sipil UI setelah saya baca-baca tentang Teknik Sipil UI di buku panduan yang saya ambil saat ada Pameran Perguruan Tinggi di JCC Senayan.

Setelah masuk UI, ternyata isinya orang pintar semua. Saya jadi paling goblog disana, bahkan sempat berpikir untuk berubah haluan. IP di semester pertama saja cuma 2,2, bahkan sempat disemester-semester berikutnya menikmati IP 1, (satu koma). Payah deh.. Apa mau dikata, saya udah di dalam, yang ada ya harus dihadapi. Jadilah saya lulus setelah 5 tahun berkutat di Teknik Sipil UI. Eh, baru mau wisuda malah mau mati (baca:kecelakaan). Untung saya masih hidup sampai sekarang. Alhamdulillah.. Jadilah saya Insinyur beneran sekarang...sotoy tapinya...hahaha...
Kagak nyangka deh tuh omongan guru gua waktu SD, jadi kenyataan...(keluar deh Betawinya)

Belum selesai saudara-saudara...
Sahabat dekat yang saya ceritakan tadi sekarang hanya jadi Security. Cara berpikirnya kurang terbuka, selesai SMA langsung kerja. Tapi saya harus maklum, kondisi ekonomi yang membuatnya harus demikian. Walau seharusnya dia bisa cari beasiswa kalau benar-benar ingin menggapai cita-citanya, karena saya yakin orangnya cukup pintar. Tapi sayang, kurang cerdas dalam menyikapi keterbatasan ekonominya. Bukankah Allah tidak akan mengubah suatu kaum, kalau kaum itu tidak mau mengubahnya?

Jadi saudara-saudara, bersyukurlah atas nikmat yang Anda punya sekarang. Jangan mengeluh doang. Kita masih lebih beruntung dari orang-orang sekitar kita yang kekurangan. Dan ternyata Allah tidak selalu berkehendak seperti apa yang kita kehendaki.



Thursday, July 23, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

How to Manage To Do Lists


Most Project Managers have too much to do. So they end up with “To Do” lists all over the place and it can be overwhelming. So how do you manage your "To Do" lists to make sure they get done? Here's how...

How to Manage To Do Lists

To deliver your project successfully, you need to complete the right tasks at the right time. That's why people create "To Do Lists" - so that they know what they have to do and by when.

But it's not that easy. You're often adding more tasks to your lists than you are completing them, so you feel like you're not getting ahead. Here's what to do...

Only One List

If you have lists on your desk, in your car, or on post-it notes, then merge them all into one list. Then group the items in your list and try and put them in a logical order. As soon as you've done this, you'll immediately feel like a weight has been taken off your shoulders, because everything you have to do is now all in one place. You're ready to take the next step...

Targets and Dates

Now sit back and think about what you have to achieve and by when. Write down your targets and deadlines. If you're unsure what these are, speak to your boss and get them to list the top 5 things they want you to do and by when. Write them down and try and get your boss to prioritize them, so you know which items are critical.

Set Clear Priorities

Type your list into your PC and prioritize it based on:

  • The targets and dates sent
  • The amount of work each item will take
  • The complexity in completing the task
  • The importance of the task to the project
  • The deadlines for completion

Define the Critical Path

On many projects, not all tasks get done. There simply isn't the time. So you need to identify the 'critical path' tasks which are those that simply have to be done to complete the project. The question to ask yourself is "if this task is late, will it cause the overall project to be late?" If the answer is 'yes', then that task is on the critical path to success. You need to complete these critical tasks as a higher priority than others.

Manage Your lists

Take the next step by setting target completion dates for your critical tasks. You then need to do everything in your power to make sure that these dates are met. Don't worry about settings dates for non-critical tasks. It takes too much time and things change anyway.

Then as the project evolves, tick-off the tasks as they are completed. And when new tasks arrive, decide whether they are critical or not and if they are, then set targets dates for them as well. Always keep your list up-to-date, as it will help you complete the right tasks at the right time.

If you want to save time working on your To Do Lists, then use these Project Management Templates.

These templates give you all the tools you need to succeed. Buy the Project Management Kit today.


Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

How an organization defines and measures progress toward its goals

By F. John Reh,

Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI), help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals.

Once an organization has analyzed its mission, identified all its stakeholders, and defined its goals, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals. Key Performance Indicators are those measurements.

What Are Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. They will differ depending on the organization. A business may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators the percentage of its income that comes from return customers. A school may focus its Key Performance Indicators on graduation rates of its students. A Customer Service Department may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators, in line with overall company KPIs, percentage of customer calls answered in the first minute. A Key Performance Indicator for a social service organization might be number of clients assisted during the year.

Whatever Key Performance Indicators are selected, they must reflect the organization's goals, they must be key to its success,and they must be quantifiable (measurable). Key Performance Indicators usually are long-term considerations. The definition of what they are and how they are measured do not change often. The goals for a particular Key Performance Indicator may change as the organization's goals change, or as it gets closer to achieving a goal.

Key Performance Indicators Reflect The Organizational Goals

An organization that has as one of its goals "to be the most profitable company in our industry" will have Key Performance Indicators that measure profit and related fiscal measures. "Pre-tax Profit" and "Shareholder Equity" will be among them. However, "Percent of Profit Contributed to Community Causes" probably will not be one of its Key Performance Indicators. On the other hand, a school is not concerned with making a profit, so its Key Performance Indicators will be different. KPIs like "Graduation Rate" and "Success In Finding Employment After Graduation", though different, accurately reflect the schools mission and goals.

Key Performance Indicators Must Be Quantifiable

If a Key Performance Indicator is going to be of any value, there must be a way to accurately define and measure it. "Generate More Repeat Customers" is useless as a KPI without some way to distinguish between new and repeat customers. "Be The Most Popular Company" won't work as a KPI because there is no way to measure the company's popularity or compare it to others.

It is also important to define the Key Performance Indicators and stay with the same definition from year to year. For a KPI of "Increase Sales", you need to address considerations like whether to measure by units sold or by dollar value of sales. Will returns be deducted from sales in the month of the sale or the month of the return? Will sales be recorded for the KPI at list price or at the actual sales price?

You also need to set targets for each Key Performance Indicator. A company goal to be the employer of choice might include a KPI of "Turnover Rate". After the Key Performance Indicator has been defined as "the number of voluntary resignations and terminations for performance, divided by the total number of employees at the beginning of the period" and a way to measure it has been set up by collecting the information in an HRIS, the target has to be established. "Reduce turnover by five percent per year" is a clear target that everyone will understand and be able to take specific action to accomplish.


The Value of Project Templates


Most Project Managers have old documents lying around, that they refer to when starting new projects. But it takes time to sift through it all to find what you need, only then to have to rewrite it all for your new project. That's where templates come in useful. So read on to learn...

The Value of Project Templates

We're often asked "Why are templates so valuable" so we thought we'd answer the question in this newsletter. There are 5 great reasons why managers and teams find templates so useful. Here they are:

They save you time

On every new project, you have to create new documents to plan, track and report on status. This takes time, especially when many of the documents you create are going to be a one-off. So to save time, use templates to create your documents quickly and easily.

If the templates you use have been well written, then they should be pre-formatted with all of the sections, tables, charts and forms you need. This way, you can avoid having to spend time formatting your documents and purely focus on completing the content. On average, most people save 25% of their time completing project documents, by using properly formatted templates.

They give you direction

In addition to saving you time, well written templates step you through the sections needed to write your document from start to finish. They tell you what you have to write, how and where. They give you direction, so it's crystal clear what has to be done to complete your document.

They make it easier

In short, a good quality template will make the task of creating a project document as easy as 1-2-3. You don't have to stress about what needs to go in your document, how to format it or how to write it up. The template will tell you what information needs to be entered, and it should include practical examples to help you along the way.

They boost your quality

It makes sense that if you use high quality templates, then you will generate high quality documents. High quality templates should be professionally designed, written by experts and aligned with worldwide standards.

They give you confidence

Have you ever been asked to write a document that you're unfamiliar with or have never written before? If so, then you can use a template to get the document layout, tables, charts and completion instructions at your finger tips. All you need to do is to fill-in the gaps. By using templates to complete new documents, you will gain a higher level of confidence in your work, helping you to excel in project management.

Method123 Project Templates save you time and effort creating documents for projects. They are exceptionally high quality and give you the confidence to help you deliver your projects successfully. Whether you're a novice or an expert, you'll find these templates valuable.

Buy the Project Management Kit from today.


The Essential Steps to Managing Projects


Want to improve your success in managing projects? If you do, then read this newsletter which describes...

The Essential Steps to Managing Projects

There is so much to learn to become a great project manager. You have to juggle time, money, people, equipment and materials. To do it all, some people feel like they have to be a miracle worker! But it's not the case. Just take these essential steps...

Initiate Carefully

When you start your project, wind it up slowly. Define the process by which you're going to manage your project from start to finish. Adopt a Project Life Cycle so you know what you have to do and by when. Then take these steps:

  1. Define the project goals, timeline and schedule
  2. Quantify the amount of resource you need
  3. Specify the project scope and deliverables
  4. Decide if you need to outsource to a supplier
  5. Recruit your team and set up a project office

Plan In Depth

Then identify all of the tasks needed to complete your project. Prioritize them and calculate how long each will take. Create a detailed project schedule, so you know what you have to do, when and how. Then take these steps:

  1. Identify the number of resources you need
  2. Set a budget and plan your expenditure
  3. List the deliverables and set quality targets
  4. Plan your communications so everyone is informed
  5. Decide how you are going to manage risks, changes and issues

Execute Swiftly

The next step is to execute your plan quickly and efficiently. This is the longest phase in the project, so you need to work smart to complete this phase on time. Take these steps:

  1. Record time spent by your team completing tasks
  2. Frequently check your actual vs. planned progress
  3. If you start falling behind, take action or get help
  4. Resolve risks, issues and changes quickly
  5. Keep your team motivated by rewarding good performance

Close and learn

When you've produced all of your deliverables and handed them over to your sponsor or customer, you're ready for closure. Do this by releasing project staff, contractors, suppliers and equipment. Then close your project office and handover documentation. Take the time to identify your lessons learned, as these will be invaluable to your next project.

These are the essential steps in the Project Life Cycle. If you want to learn how to complete these steps in more depth, then download the MPMM Methodology. Whether you're a novice or an expert, you'll find it valuable. Buy the MPMM Project Methodology today.


Is There Time For Everything?

from F. John Reh

Time. Never seems to be enough of it. Wish I could make more hours in the day sometimes. Our lead article this week is about different tools to help you make the most of the time you do have.

It's a good thing you're learning how to make better use of your time because there is always something else you have to master to be a good manager. This week we look at two of them, the soft skills requires and the communication skills required of good managers.

Finally, I want to thank all of you who responded to our "best excuses for being late for work" question in last week's newsletter. We got some very interesting responses. If you want to add one or see what your peers wrote go to Late For Work Excuses. There's one there I'm not sure I believe, but most are pretty good.


The 5 Goals of a Project Manager


As a Project Manager, you need to manage people, money, suppliers, equipment—the list is never ending. The trick is to be focused. Set yourself 5 personal goals to achieve. If you can meet these simple goals for each project, then you will achieve total success. So read on, to learn...

The 5 Goals of a Project Manager

These goals are generic to all industries and all types of projects. Regardless of your level of experience in project management, set these 5 goals for every project you manage.

Goal 1: To finish on time

This is the oldest but trickiest goal in the book. It's the most difficult because the requirements often change during the project and the schedule was probably optimistic in the first place.

To succeed, you need to manage your scope very carefully. Implement a change control process so that any changes to the scope are properly managed.

Always keep your plan up to date, recording actual vs. planned progress. Identify any deviations from plan and fix them quickly. Use Project Templates to get things done faster.

Goal 2: To finish under budget

To make sure that your project costs don't spiral, you need to set a project budget at the start to compare against. Include in this budget, all of the types of project costs that will accrue, whether they are to do with people, equipment, suppliers or materials. Then work out how much each task in your plan is going to cost to complete and track any deviations from this plan.

Make sure that if you over-spend on some tasks, that you under-spend on others. In this way, you can control your spend and deliver under budget.

Goal 3: To meet the requirements

The goal here is to meet the requirements that were set for the project at the start. Whether the requirements were to install a new IT system, build a bridge or implement new processes, your project needs to produce solutions which meet these requirements 100%.

The trick here is to make sure that you have a detailed enough set of requirements at the beginning. If they are ambiguous in any way, then what was initially seen as a small piece of work could become huge, taking up valuable time and resources to complete.

Goal 4: To keep customers happy

You could finish your project on time, under budget and have met 100% of the requirements-but still have unhappy customers. This is usually because their expectations have changed since the project started and have not been properly managed.

To ensure that your project sponsor, customer and other stakeholders are happy at the end of your project, you need to manage their expectations carefully. Make sure you always keep them properly informed of progress. "Keep it real" by giving them a crystal clear view of progress to date. Let them voice their concerns or ideas regularly. Tell them upfront when you can't deliver on time, or when a change needs to be made. Openness and honesty are always the best tools for setting customer expectations.

Goal 5: To ensure a happy team

If you can do all of this with a happy team, then you'll be more than willing to do it all again for the next project. And that's how your staff will feel also. Staff satisfaction is critical to your project's success.

So keep your team happy by rewarding and recognizing them for their successes. Assign them work that complements their strengths and conduct team building exercises to boost morale. With a happy motivated team, you can achieve anything!

And there you have it. The 5 goals you need to set yourself for every project.

Method123 offers templates to help you work smart to meet your goals. Watch the video or download the Project Management Kit today.


Results, Not Just Processes

from F. John Reh

In the current economic climate it is especially important to stay focused on results. Procedures are good in cases where companies are short-staffed and people are doing multiple jobs for which they are not fully trained. But don't let procedures get in the way of the desired results.

Manage to the desired end result. Use processes where they help. Ditch the processes that aren't getting you where you need to go. Read this week's first article for more specifics.

I really depend on my laptop. It gives me the freedom to work from almost anywhere and makes me more productive. However, some people take that concept too far. Read our second article about people taking laptops to bed.

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